Upcoming Events


Journey of the heart

Hvor:Hotell Clarion Aurora i Tromsø

Making a better world

«The Journey of the Heart -event «13.11.2020 – til – 15.11.2020 is for people who are connected to their heart and works for CREATING A BETTER WORLD.

Community, presentations, drumming, reflections, the «new time», inclusion, mingling, supporters. Stand in our inner strength, complementing each other for a sustainable future. Everyone has their unique Journey of the heart as a contribution to humanity

❤ More detailed program will come. This event is shared on FB.


SATURDAY 14th of November – Launch of The Health Bible
LAUNCHPARTY at HAVBLIKK in Tromsdalen at 18.00 pm.

NB: Prevention of Corona-viruses. Max 40 participants.